Danburite is a spiritual stone that carries a very pure vibration to activate the intellect and higher consciousness that link us to the angelic realms.

Danburite is an excellent stone to release stress and worry. Danburite helps release grief, fear, anxiety, resentment, or anger. The calming and soothing energies of Danburite resonates with the Heart Chakra to release anxiety and know that all is well. Danburite creates a sense of joy and a connection with the Divine.

Danburite is a wonderful healing crystal as it facilitates the connection to the energies of Reiki. Channeling into these energies, Danburite brings us into resonance with high-frequency light energy to allow us to gracefully open and receive this energy for service for the highest good of the Earth and all Her inhabitants.

Danburite is a very powerful healing stone. It clears allergies, chronic conditions, and is a strong detoxifier. Danburite treats the liver, gallbladder, and aids with muscular and motor function. Danburite regulates cell disorders, activates T-cells and the thymus, relieves Meniere’s disease, eases high blood pressure, and alleviates pain and migraines.

Danburite may also be helpful in preventing heart attacks and in healing heart conditions. Danburite lessens fatigue and helps to overcome shock and trauma. Danburite regenerates the liver and is effective in overcoming addictions and stress.