Elestial, also known as Skeletal Quartz, forms with a multitude of pyramidal and triangular terminations. These can look like stair steps, one right after the other, or they can be literally on top of each other, or in random patterns over the crystal itself. Elestial may have a series of unusual etchings, cavities, or geometric like patterns that make the crystal look hollow in areas, thus the name Skeletal Quartz.

Elesital is a stone for our times, as it aids with attunement to the higher vibrations, and open doorways to higher dimensions. It is used to assist in the mass cleansing, healing, and reawakening that is currently facing us during this cosmic shift.

This is a powerful stone to use in meditation, as it is a conduit to the celestial realms and helps to open stronger connections to the spirit world. It is known to open the Crown Chakra to provide a stronger connection to spirit and to the angelic realms.

Above all, this is a powerful crystal of change. This high energy stone assists in healing on a deeper soul and karmic levels. It is a powerful catalyst for change, working to dissolve deep karmic issues, at the level that is comfortable for your own spiritual growth.